How to Say ,Sorry … I can’t
How to Say Sorry ... I can't accept your offer

How to skillfully disagree in a job interview
When you are interviewing for a job, you usually have one primary goal: to impress the interviewer enough to get er fur. Too often, we think that in order to be successful we need to agree, which can cause a lot of nods on both sides – even if you don’t have to believe what the person says. This kind of intentional dishonesty can help you get a job, but it can also lead to assumptions and misconceptions that can escalate and escalate once you get into the role.
To be successful in the long run, you should express your honest opinions during the interview, present yourself as you are, the employer is not what you think. In fact, for both parties – the most compelling interviews – are some form of healthy disagreement that demonstrates the interview’s eagerness and ability to collaborate. Instead of treating it as a contradiction, approach it as a point of healthy discussion, discussion and problem solving. When I simply say “I disagree,” the next conversation will end, “This is what I see (see from the outside in your company) and I have experienced this (during my years of specializing in this).” Invites discussion.
For example, if the interviewer says that the company always uses the waterfall method to develop software, but you think agility is a good method because it allows changes to be made as the project develops, you might say, ” It’s interesting that you’re using the ‘waterfall method’ because I’ve found a clever method to produce a faster, more accurate and efficient end of the project results. ”Your counter-reaction volume speaks for itself. If she or he says, “It will never work here,” then you know who you can be against if you get the role and want to make a difference.
Of course, disagreeing with an interviewer is not always easy. There is an imbalance of power, and you risk giving the impression that you will find it difficult to work with or be uncomfortable with the interview. But you can navigate the potential downside by doing a few things before, during and after the conversation.
You need to be ready with YOUR Homework
It is important to know that premature company culture is one where people embrace new ideas. Are the organization and its founders known for inclusion and open-mindedness, or do they have a slow-moving legacy mindset? Does the leadership team encourage open communication and innovation? Research the company on Glass-door, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Reddit. If you know someone in the company, ask them questions like the open end, “What would you like about this company and what areas could be improved?” Their answers can help you feel better about the firm’s internal operations.
Make a space and think
During the interview, if the interviewer says something or asks a question that gives you a break, resist the request to answer immediately. Instead, take a bit to gather your thoughts and provide a thoughtful answer. To buy yourself at that point, you can say something like, “That’s an interesting point of view. Let me think about it for a moment. This shows that you are able to solve the problem critically. Instead of trying to recover, they wallow in their sadness and thus, experience more failure.
Ask permission to speak frankly
Whenever you need to disagree with someone who has more power than you, it helps to prepare the person. The first time you want to push something back, ask permission to provide a different perspective. Say something like, “I see this differently. Can I share my perspective with you? This type of invitation is effective for two reasons. First, it doesn’t make the interviewer “wrong”. If you say “I disagree” and stop, it will probably put your interviewer on the defensive and stop the conversation. But “I see this differently” opens the way for further discussion. Second, asking questions provokes curiosity on the part of the interviewer. You don’t force your opinion on them; Instead, you’re invited to consider it.
Your instincts are best mentor – trust them enough
Of course, during the interview, you should follow your gut. If you think disagreement will not be received, then you want to bite your tongue. Afterwards, consider how you feel about the overall experience. Are you excited and confident? Defeated or emotionally drained? These feelings are the good feelings of what your days will be like.
And consider the degree to which you disagree. From what you have observed, are the people in the company open to change? Are voices of disagreement welcome? If the interview makes you uncomfortable – if you don’t feel fired or heard – trust your instincts. Don’t try to argue yourself accepting a position in which you will be underestimated.
Remember that if an interview was not welcomed to express different opinions, it will not be encouraged once you become part of the company. If you decide you are not interested in working there, send a favorable email thanking the interviewer for the opportunity and politely refusing to proceed. If you find it easy to do so, include a transparent explanation of why you are choosing. Choose your words carefully and warmly state that the role is not right for you because you have a specific environment and choice of preferences that make your career aspirations more appropriate. Being transparent and honest is better than saying something that could mean employer or “ghost”. You don’t want to burn bridges.
An Interview is a two way street. And when the interviewers have what they want (the job) you also have what they need (skills and expertise). When you express your true views, you make sure that both parties know what they are getting.
Rewrited for reader by PrudentCAMPUS
(Source – Harvard Business Review)
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