
Beautiful memories of College Campus

Beautiful memories of College Campus

Last year in 2020 middle of April it started to lock down our cities and the normal life activities. COVID19 i.e. Corona virus rapidly spread across the world and made entire human community locked into homes.There was no clue to handle this pandemic situation to any Government bodies and organizations all over. Slowly it impacted a lot – taken lacks of human lives and infected crores of beings soon. It’s still there and we all are fighting to overcome the crises.

This unique and never expected Pandemic teaches us a lot.

Lock down:
Immediately on the arrival of this virus Governments announced the lock downs across the world. All our daily routine stopped suddenly and we stuck to our houses as it is.Factories, corporate offices, buses, trains to aeroplanes have been stopped forcefully to prevent the infection and save our society. Machines manufacturing goods and shops delivering services also stopped to operate at the same point.

Direct Impact:
Virus attacked on human bodies and spread the entire globe, showing its best in multiple mutations and the mortality. We lost friends , relatives and neighbours and it is still there since it was started. Everywhere humanity is crying.

Online Support:
Online entertainment, communication facilities have played a significant role to help us a lot.
Losses occurred in terms of life, economy and wisdom too. Education can’t be untouched and majorly affected. Academic years and the schedules disturbed and still continued the differences.Entire system was handicapped and unable to deliver the outcome. Internet and the online coaching helped in some instances but did not matched the expectations at all, you might be aware.Your lectures, classes, exams even parties celebrated on the social platforms like Facebook, Insta-gram and zoom alike tools. Still we’re using the same to greet or even to show the condolences.

Now on the basis of very hard work our scientists developed vaccines and made our life more secured.
Things are changing very fast now over the world facing this pandemic situation. America officially has been unmasked for now at some scenes in news media and it’s a great sign for all of us.
By any chance India Is rapidly into vaccinations and drug developments and soon we will be seeing the very delighted results.
Later on let’s hope to be everything as it was previous to CORONA and we will be free to go out of homes and isolation phases very soon.

Once this picture will be cleared once again colleges will get started and you will be officially permitted to participate physical lectures, fun and all those you’re waiting for since 2020!

Students especially youngsters are missing the college days and hopefully post pandemic they might get commenced soon.

Request to have patience:
We found the fun of emotions to share with you all and let you feel the magic of best memories in your life.
Our scientists, medicine and pharmacy professionals truing best to get the curative and recovery medicines and they are now showing their final researches all across with a significant analytics.

We all are hoping to get more effective vaccines, medicines and precautionary majors to handle and final this pandemic soon.
Definitely then no one can stop you to go and meet your best friends there in college campuses itself!
Till then stay safe, get vaccinated and take care.

Note of thanks:
PrudentCAMPUS congratulates you for being at your home and obeying the Govt. regulations with a thanks note.
This write-up won’t get completed without saying thanks to our Medical staff & Nurses, admin staff and Police persons for their efforts in saving our human community so far.

Our Responsibility:
PrudentCAMPUS took efforts and executed approximately 100 campus drives events till the time to support the corporate clients and fulfilling the aspirants dream to get an opportunity for jobs.

As a back-end team we promoted local job seekers and tried to offer them jobs in their cities and nearby to avoid the unnecessary travel. Supported migrants, provided meals and helped somehow in providing corrective information in society.

Inviting your memories:
If you feel to share your memories related with your college campus you’re most welcome to send those selected one to us and we will give a platform to them on our social media publications.You can submit your video on jobs.prudentcampus@gmail.com with a small write of 200 words and with the subject line – My college campus along with your full name, mobile number, email id, college website.

10 Best videos will be selected for showcasing them on our portals and we will offer the winners opportunity to get their final year internship with our clients all across the diversified industries – IT & SOFTWARE , Automobile , ITES and Hi Tech engineering.
Originally Crafted by PrudentCAMPUS, Pune M.S.
Contact Author for Any Query on info@PrudentCAMPUS.in
CSR welcome

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